Every sister who stands for truth and righteousness diminishes the influence of evil. Every sister who strengthens and protects her family is doing the work of God. Every sister who lives as a woman of God becomes a beacon for others to follow and plants seeds of righteous influence that will be harvested for decades to come.
- Elder Ballard

Doctrine and Covenants 84:106

And if any man among you be strong in the Spirit, let him take with him him that is weak, that he may be edified in all meekness, that he may become strong also.

D&C 84:106

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sister Spotlight: Sis. Culpepper

Susanne Culpepper

Birthday: September 15

Where are you from:
Valdosta, GA

How did you meet your spouse:
I was working at VSU and Ben came into our office.  He asked me out and the rest is history.

Tell us about your family: 
I am the oldest of three girls.  My mother and my sister, Laura, and her family are in 1st ward.  My youngest sister, Julie, lives in Jackson, GA.  I have two sons, Brandon and Harrison.

What is your favorite hymn
:  I have lots of favorites, but I guess my favorite is "There Is A Green Hill Far Away".

What is your favorite scripture: 
D&C 88:63

What is your favorite treat: 
I love anything made with lemon!

Tell us any 3 things about yourself: 
I attended BYU, I love dishes, and I have a dog daughter named Mitzi!

We are so excited to welcome Sis. Culpepper back into Relief Society! We're so excited to be able to get to know her better and enjoy her wonderful Spirit. She is so much fun to be around!! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sister Spotlight: Sis. Dejong

Sis. DeJong won't be with us much longer, and I didn't want to miss out on sharing her sweet answers. We really will miss her and I personally am very sad I didn't get to know her better.

Julie DeJong
Birthday:  May 23, 1962

Where are you from:  Born and raised in Utah (parents house is just below the Bountiful Temple)

How did you meet your spouse:  Lagoon is an amusement part like Wild Adventures.  I was a lifeguard at the pool.   The pool opened the week after my 16th birthday.  Just before closing, 2 guys walked in, the one folded his arms and surveyed the area as if he owned it.  My immediate thought was "now there's a guy that would be fun to go out with, but you wouldn't want to marry him!"  Almost 3 years later we were married.

Tell us about your family:  After over 31 years of marriage I have separated from my husband and have filed for divorce.  I have two totally wonderful kids.  Chelsey is 28, living and working in Salina, Kansas (I will be joining her in a few weeks).  Michael is 25 and has just move back to Atlanta.  He has moved in with his sweet fiance and her younger sister (Christina has custody of her 16 year old sister since the death of their mother last year).  I count Jennifer and Andrew Dunn as my kids also.
They are the most incredible young men and women!  I love, admire and treasure each one of them so much!

What is your favorite hymn:    I am a Child of God  (I also love I Stand All Amazed, I Need Thee Every Hour, and all the Christmas hymns!)

What is your favorite scripture:  That changes depending on what I'm going through at the time.  Matthew 5:16 is one that I have been working on lately.    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

What is your favorite treat:  My caramel corn, strawberry shortcake, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate mousse pie, my frosting on most anything, dutch apple pie.............  I could go on and on and on

Tell us any 3 things about yourself:   I love my family more than I can express.

Life is so much easier and better when you trust God completely.  I'm so grateful to know that God loves and forgives me (even though I know I am a very stubborn, difficult child).  He has blessed me so much, 

I "discovered" photography last year. It became an instant passion, my mental-health therapy and borders on obsession at times!  I hope  to find the time and patience to learn how to properly do all the different techniques and principals I want to master.  I would love to become good enough to turn it into a new career.  It makes me so grateful for the beautiful  world that surrounds us and I love discovering    "hidden treasures" unexpected places.

I also want to tell you all how much you have meant to me.  This is an amazing ward.  You are so special to me.  Your support, the examples that you all are, your love and acceptance has made my years here the best years of my life (at least spiritually).  They've been the hardest physically and mentally that I hope I have to endure on this earth.  You have given me strength, patience, gratitude, entertainment, peace and so much more.  I'm sure you didn't have a clue that you were giving me a gift with your smiles and encouraging words.  I'm sure you haven't realized how much watching your precious children's faces in church as they tried your patience; helped heal the wounds my heart had endured.  The wonderful examples of your kids as they became teens and young adults;  challenged, inspired and gave me strength.  You have let your light shine before me to guide me from darkness.  I have seen your good works which have glorified God and healed my soul.  I am eternally grateful and will miss you all very much. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sister Spotlight

We have had so many changes in our Ward the past few months! And we want to send a huge THANK YOU to those sisters that have served in the past, and Welcome those that will be serving with us in the future.
We've decided to try something new: Sister Spotlights. Each month we will be sending out emails with a small questionnaire attached with a request to have them filled out and returned. We will then showcase that Sister in the newsletter, and with her permission, here on the blog. So please keep your eyes open for that special email from us, and please feel free to attach a picture. :)  We want to thank you in advance for participating and helping making our newsletter fun and exciting!

This month we will be showcasing Sis. Budenbender! Thanks, Shannah! :)

Shannah Budenbender
Birthday: March 1
Where are you from: Arlington, Texas

How did you meet your spouse: We met in college. While in ROTC I was also playing soccer; but missed about 3 weeks of ROTC in a row due to out of town games. Seeing as I wasn't there to defend myself, I was voted in to the worst position for Arnold Air Society. My first day back I was getting yelled at by a commander of this "extra curricular" ROTC event for not doing my "Job" that I had no clue about. I was blindsided and getting yelled at in front of everyone. Phil stuck up for me and tried to cover by volunteering the fact that I had not been there to know I had this job - she somehow made it his fault for not telling me (a girl he didn't know - the hour before the meeting). I followed him to his car trying not to cry and noticed a sticker "LDS" on his car. When I inquired if he was Mormon and got excited saying "I AM TOO!" .... he quizzed me..... "oh ya? Then name a book in the Book of Mormon". When I pronounced Moroni and said it correctly he believed me. Weird boy thinking I'd lie about being Mormon. haha

Tell us about your family: I am the oldest - It's a his/her/ours family. My youngest sibling is 9.

What is your favorite hymn: As Sisters in Zion (sung with the men doing Army of Heleman is soooo cool but even without that I enjoy the song) - and primary has to be A Childs Prayer

What is your favorite scripture: Hard to say right now: Philippians 4:13 , John 15:19 , Alma 26:27

What is your favorite treat: cookies, cake, smores, muffins, ice cream, butterfinger, reeses, oh I'm sorry am i still listing - basically anything that is NOT for allergy kids

Tell us any 3 things about yourself: 1. When I'm alone I love to crank the music up (to some girl approved pop music or old classic ie: don henley) way to loud and dance like I just don't care. ... And man I love it.
2. I forced myself to step back from politics 3 years ago because I get so heated/passionate about what was going on - I'd sit in the car and be late to class to finish listening to talk radio segments. I used to want to do politics, but ironically suck at/dislike "Playing politics" (being politically correct has NEVER been my strong suite - too blunt. aka no poker face!
3. I'm not good at decorating or gardening, but I can play just about any sport and love the home improvement stores.