Every sister who stands for truth and righteousness diminishes the influence of evil. Every sister who strengthens and protects her family is doing the work of God. Every sister who lives as a woman of God becomes a beacon for others to follow and plants seeds of righteous influence that will be harvested for decades to come.
- Elder Ballard

Doctrine and Covenants 84:106

And if any man among you be strong in the Spirit, let him take with him him that is weak, that he may be edified in all meekness, that he may become strong also.

D&C 84:106

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Easter Activities

Here are two more fun Easter Activities, from The Friend magazine.

Bird Nest Snacks

6oz chocolate chips
3C fiber cereal
jelly beans or other small candies

1. Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper.
2. Place the cereal in a large bowl. 
3. Put the chocolate chips in a medium bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. Remove bowl, stir, and microwave for another 30 seconds. Repeat until chocolate is melted and smooth.
4. Pour the chocolate over the cereal and stir until all the cereal is coated. 
5. Use a spoon to scoop the mixture onto the waxed paper.
6. While the scoops are still warm, shape them into nests. 
7. Decorate with a few candies. 


Easter Lilies

White Easter lilies remind us of the Resurrection. They are buried in the ground as bulbs. In springtime they bloom as beautiful, sweet-smelling flowers. This reminds us of how Jesus was laid in the tomb and then came forth on Easter morning. 
White construction paper
Pencil or crayon
One yellow and one green pipe cleaner per lily

1. Use your pencil or crayon to trace your hand on the paper. Cut out the shape.
2. Roll the handprint into a cone shape, and tape it along the side.
3. Roll each finger down the side to form the curls of the bloom.
4. Cut a three-inch piece of the yellow pipe cleaner and form it into a U Shape. Curl the ends to form the center of the lily.
5. Wrap one end of the green pipe cleaner around the middle of the yellow pipe cleaner.
6. Place the other end of the green pipe cleaner into the curly end of the lily and pull it thru.

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